Organizing Company Celebrations

15 Feb by Steve E. Trisler

Organizing Company Celebrations

Events are a great way to bring together a wide range of potential and existing customers at a time and place you specify. However, an event is only a successful advertising instrument if it is well thought out and purposefully organised. You should therefore follow these tips.

Whether an “open day” in the company or a celebration with music and barbecue sausage – events are particularly suitable for small companies to reach the target group often located in the region. But if an event is badly organized, the guests notice that immediately and in the end the action can even have a damaging effect on your business. Therefore you should never rush to plan an event, but take a lot of time for the preparation.

In this section you will learn which strategy questions are indispensable for event planning and how to develop a concept from them.

The goals

Typical objectives of events also refer to the intended effects, the degree of interaction, i.e. the interaction between host and guests and the programme flow. Result goals refer to the number of participants, participant satisfaction and costs. Brand value goals can be increasing awareness, improving image, strengthening customer loyalty.

Now to the communication goals

At the very top are customer loyalty and image improvement. Strengthening the customer relationship goes hand in hand with building trust. Trust is often referred to as the lubricant of the economy. The word “credit” derives from Latin and means “entrusted in good faith”.

The customer not only pays you the purchase price, he also gives you his trust. This trust is to be shaken at the beginning very fast. It must be deepened and confirmed again and again. This is best possible in a personal, direct encounter.

Let us now turn to distribution and sales targets

Marketing and sales are twins, two sides of the same coin. So carefully coordinate the objectives of your events with the sales department. That’s where the suggestions and contact details of the guests to be invited come from. Which sales areas should be addressed? Regional, national, international? Is it about the presentation of new products? Is it about information and clarification about certain facts? Write down exactly what you want to achieve with your event, or even better with your series of events. Create a target catalogue with priorities! Ask yourself the right strategic questions!

Determine the target group

One thing right at the beginning: internalise the fact that the participants are your guests! No matter whether they are customers, journalists, employees or opinion leaders – participants are guests! Please think about this difference for a moment. So, before we come to your customers, I will briefly talk about your employees. An important target group, because they are ambassadors of your brand!

The telephone exchange is the business card of a company – this is common property, but also all others, from the cleaning lady to the boss, everyone represents the brand. Every statement and every behaviour is assigned to the brand. The conclusion – involve your employees at customer events, even if they are not active in sales. This does not necessarily mean that they take on a task, but all employees should be well informed.

Developing the concept

On our common way to a successful event we now come to an important stage: You know what you want, you know who should be there, now you need creative ideas. Better still a concept. We turn to the question: How does a successful event concept actually come about? The concept is the construction plan of an event. But it is also a creative guideline that is needed for planning and organisation. The concept development follows a logical structure: It starts with a careful analysis of the task at hand and the framework conditions.

The task

Nothing saves more time and money than a good briefing. For you personally, it is also a bit of self-discipline. You force yourself to approach event planning in a clear and structured way. This briefing paper, one could also say that the requirements specification enables a target-oriented execution of the tasks. It serves to inform all those involved and thus also to identify with the matter. What does the briefing include? Answering essential questions that fan out the concept.

The goals should be formulated in a meaningful and differentiated way. The occasion, place and time belong to the hard facts, just like a clearly defined target group.

However, it is not enough to address certain age groups and men, but also their previous experiences, their expectations. But soft factors such as corporate culture, market position, product positioning and much more are also important. Which product image should be built up? To do this, you have to describe the brand characteristics and clarify the product benefits.

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